Test About

The management team, Director and Educators of Kids on Craig ELC would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family.  Thank you for choosing us to share the joys and memories of your child’s early years.

We look at Kids on Craig ELC as a community, where children feel safe and secure to grow, learn and discover.  As a family within our community we encourage you and your family to take an active part in our centre and your child’s time here.

Our parent handbook will provide you with an overview of our centre and our centre’s philosophy and goals.  It will also provide you with information on areas of interest, which we believe will help in the development of a high quality centre.

We look forward to meeting with you, and should you have any queries, please come in and see us at any time and we will always endeavour to be of assistance.

We believe that…

An environment where children feel secure is one where they will develop to their full potential.  This environment is created with the knowledge that all parents have of their children and the professionalism and developmental knowledge of our qualified staff.

Our aim is to provide this environment where children feel free to discover, develop and further their interests through play and the environment.  We believe in equal opportunities for all children through an interest based emergent curriculum.

“Where children love to learn”

Center Philosophy

Belonging means to us – Believing all children should have access to a high quality centre that respects them and treats them as individuals.  We believe our centre does this as well as offering an unbiased approach to their individual and group learning. Our door is always open to parents, families and the wider community, who are invited to participate when and however they can. We believe in partnership between the centre educators and families where there are open lines of communication so we can all share in the joys of the children’s learning, development, guidance and discoveries.

Being to us means – Aiming to provide an environment that is challenging yet consistent so the children in our care feel safe and secure, and are given the opportunity to be who they want to be. Our environment promotes self help skills as well as educators care, through which self esteem is built upon. We are active in children’s learning, co constructive knowledge with children and families alike. All educators work together creating a curriculum that is both educational and stimulating to the children, educators and families that enter our centre.

Becoming  means to us – Offering a curriculum that provides age appropriate choices which empowers individuals in their discovery of lifelong learning.  Our program is interest based and flexible, children develop and learn through play at their own pace, being supported at the same time by the centre educators.

All children, families and educators have input into the programs run in each room and review the opportunities which are both planned and spontaneous regularly. This impacts positively on each child’s learning enabling them to develop lifelong skills of inter-relating, resilience, empowerment, social competence, and independence. Though reflective practice and being guided by EYLF and NQF we are able to provide an ever-evolving environment which allows for intentional teaching and spontaneous learning.


Statement of Intent

We will encourage children to build a sense of trust with all educators within the centre. It is our intent to work with families and the community by bringing them in to the service. we will aim to provide a stimulation environment which promotes each child’s social,emotional, physical and cognitive development to focus on building relationships.
We believe all children are unique individuals and allow them to keep their own identity creating and an environment that promotes freedom of choice.


Daily fee $87.00 per day
Full time daily fee $85.00 per day

Daily fee $84.00 per day
Full time daily fee $82.00. per day

Pre Kindy
Daily fee $83.00 per day
Full time daily fee $81.00 per day

Pre Prep
Daily fee $82.00 per day
Full time daily fee $81.00 per day

The above daily fees do not include any Child Care Benefit entitlement that you may receive from Centrelink. For more information regarding your eligibility to receive CCB please see your centre Director.